Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiversal (Has the powers and abilities of Doctor Manhattan which is a Low Complex Multiversal Being.) Wally ran away in search of a plan and found Deathstroke's son, Jericho, for help. [Lag Fix] Stopped code execution of some functions when our interrupt announce or nameplate auras have been disabled. By default it will hide in vehicles and pet battles. Fixed an issue which kept healers stored when out of a Battleground. Quest Icons, Raid Marker, and Healer Icon on nameplates will now be shown in nameonly mode. copyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved. Removed Guide text from mentor chat, icon will still show. Fixed taint in CommunitiesUI preventing you from setting notes among other things. This will let you make an EPIC looking bar. Hidden Pet bar blings were dragged to the depths, unless the bar shows, then they are back (temporarily). Vehicle Exit Button anchor size is now hugging the button like a good boi. Fixed (hopefully) a Smart Aura Position setting issue which would cause the Buffs and Debuffs on Unitframes to cause a SetPoint error. Fixed an issue that sometimes the chat scrollBars where not hidden properly. (#1256). Updated spell id for Earth Shield (#527). #13. You can search for keystones or ignore them from sorting with the term "keystone". Please only register if you have an autoconfirmed account there, as otherwise your registration will be rejected. Fixed error: StyleFilter attempt to index field 'cooldowns' (a nil value). Removed "Hide In Instance" option for chat bubbles. Added Season 2 Dungeon Affix Debuffs and Blacklisted Drained debuff. Added an option for Nameplate Buffs/Debuffs to toggle auras from other players to desatured. Reset Zoom setting should apply correctly again. Supressed the error when you dont have Pawn updated yet, go update it if you use it! After these events Wally placed his fate in the Justice League and was incarcerated. Fixed pet type in the pet battle UI for non-English clients. Explore. If enabled the filter will only trigger when you are inside one of the specified maps or instances. Allowed Special Aura filters to be localized. (#541). i never like this addon never used once i try around cata i thinki dont like change ui old schooltherefor even i didnt like blizard new ui change. He later gave it to Metron, but it was taken from him by Batman. Tooltip: Fixed an issue which would show the wrong faction for player when battling as a mercenary. This Wally also gained super-speed and was currently acting as the newest Kid Flash. This copyright notice shall be included in all copies or substantial Stop promoting this add-on. Reworked how ElvUI unsnaps textures, textures will be unsnapped globally now. Added the original chat buttons to a dedicated panel which can be toggled by right-clicking the ". Databars: Fixed EXP mover not showing up, fixed visibility logic for all bars. I've been using ElvUI for years. Fixed issue which caused the Action bar buttons to not set the "checked" state. Explore. Fixed General Dock Manager skin not applying correctly. Added option to change the vertical/horizontal overlap of the Nameplates. Added Interrupted Color for castbar on Unitframes. Fixed issue which caused editbox position to not update correctly when changing profile. After purging the darkness from her home dimension of Earth 32 and the colliding Earth 13, Wally travelled to the next Earth he was meant to assist, but was unexpectedly reunited with Jai and Irey West,[19] only to learn that they were inhabitants of a new Dark Multiverse Earth created from his own fears of losing his children an Earth that Tempus Fuginaut was now tasking him with destroying. Minor explosion on load with the release, damage has been absorbed by a fancy hotfix shielding mechanism. Encounter Journal opens correctly with Smaller Map on. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Fixed Unitframes (other than Player) which had their Power style set to Offset from being unchangeable. Barry said he would go and search for the rest of the League and told Wally to return to Earth 0 and protect it from the Darkness. (Rubgrsch). Various Skin updates for performance and prettyness. Wally, realizing that he had never created a life for himself outside of superheroics, agreed with the decision. Fixed visibility of raid frames in the installer for the healer layout. Datatexts added for Quests, Micro Bar, and Equipment Sets; also Armor Penetration, Block, Defense, Dodge, Energy Regen, and Parry on Classic. Added instance difficulty triggers to nameplate style filters. Added Battleground Datatext options, including the ability to have them on a custom panel. Fixed channel ticks for Penance with talent 'Castigation'. Fixed Rune / Totem colors not appearing how they should. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Fixed Health Color not working correctly in combat. Limited the Nameplate Low Health Threshold to '80%'. Allows you to skin other addons to match the ElvUI appearance. Fixed issue which prevented some broker addons from being available as datatext in ElvUI. Changed "XP" to "AP" on the Artifact DataBar. The Bag Bar and Vendor Greys tabs are now again available if the All In One Bag is disabled. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Torghast Minimap breaks less often (hopefully). Unitframes: Added PVP Classification Widget for Party, Raid, Raid40. [Nameplate] Readded the Visbility settings on Static Player. Top Auras on Classic / Wrath were accepting Key Up and Down instead of only up causing a double click, sometimes double-remove, when clearing an aura. Base Wally is 3-D physically with 6-D powers afaik. Added option to scale the Vehicle display. [Nameplate] Fixed Quest Icon on for CN region, some others still need locale update.. :(. Disabled Actionbar Charge Cooldown Text by default. Microbar can have a backdrop like ActionBars now. Loot Roll now has Item Quality Color toggle. I'd keep it more to already existing pages then, this one specifically for Wally's new page. Made Earth Totem first (how Blizzard has it) on Wrath. BagBar error about secure thing and it also had a little useless toggle button when Actionbars were disabled. Fixed error in Garrison skin when the addon GarrisonCommander was enabled. [Actionbar] Fixed the pushed texture getting stuck on some buttons. Menu for Datatext switch was displaying results twice. The option can be found for each individual custom currency added. After this, Wally left evidence that placed either Booster or Harley as the culprit to the slaughter, giving Wally time to set up a plan to do something equally as good as he did bad. The "Is Pet" and the new "Is Not Pet" Nameplate Style Filter now only activate with regard to the active player's pet unit. This is not the same as Cosmic Thor, who has that + Power Cosmic. [Chat] Fixed an issue which was caused from our Chat file skinning the Combat Log bar when other addons hid it. Fixed Minimap Ping & Blizzard Tracking Menu to show in combat (right and middle is still ignored in combat). A cool glow and arrows have been added, along with the ability to change their color. Added skin for the CinematicFrameCloseDialog frame. Chat History now supports multiple chat windows and will display the chat history in the correct chat window according to chat settings. I hope. Can exist at every second in the Universe that Darkseid was imprisoned at once. Fixed various issues with tooltips (#472). Resto Druid: adds Tranquility and Adaptive Swarm by default and moves Focused Growth (PvP) slightly left to not stack on top of Spring Blossoms. (Note: NonTarget is used to replace the NonTarget Alpha option and Target is used to replace the Target Scale option. [Nameplate] Fixed a bug where the Highlight was under the health. Bag search will now be simplified to using the same API Blizzard provides for their bags. The Keybinds for disabled ActionBars will work again! Fixed issue which caused some Quick Join messages in chat to be duplicated. Do not modify the name of this addon, including the addon folders. (#518), Added Power Prediction on UnitFrames. Added Class Color option for Target Class Bar, Player Class Bar, and Nameplate Power Bars. Added Weakened Soul for Wrath to Aura Indicators. After she was taken to S.T.A.R. Fixed error when trying to add a spell to Aura Highlight. Updated LibActionButton: action highlight animation not running smoothly. [Style Filter] Added Default Filters- ElvUI_NonTarget, ElvUI_Target, ElvUI_Boss, and ElvUI_Explosives. Fixed an issue which plays the bag sounds if you open the Game Menu. Added option to hide Blizzard nameplates. Just asking. Added "Role" to Style Filter triggers. (#1930). Evoker Disintegrate chain tick now cleared when cast failed. Wrath Bank and Bags should work properly. (Thanks Kelebek for initial work!). At the instant time resumed, the four ran into the horde, smashing through their line and racing towards the Chair. Display an icon on Bag icons for corrupted items. Gave ActionBars Count, HotKey, and Macro text color overrides (Thanks @Caedis). [Nameplate: Style Filter] Added trigger Creature Type. Unitframes and Datatexts were sometimes failing to display their text, hopefully this is corrected now! Reputation bar was sometimes missing it's standing label. Fixed Nameplate Power Use Atlas Textures option. The Style Filter action "Name Only" will also display the NPC title now. Removed delete functionality from Vendor Greys on Classic. 9/2/2022. Fixed AP calculation in bags when Colorblind Mode was enabled in WoW. Corrected Count Font Outline on Top Auras, along with the border color being incorrect. Added BfA Dungeon debuffs to RaidDebuff filter. Fixed issue which caused ElvUI to re-enable chat bubbles when the user had disabled them in Interface Options. NamePlates: Fixed class color source option for interrupts. Added an option to let Unitframe and/or Nameplate frames update their Health, Power, and/or Auras at consistent rate (between 0.1 and 0.5 of a second) rather than using Blizzard's event system for when to update. This means your references to these elements need to be renamed in your code too. However, when Owlman, Grid, Metron, and the Mobius . Saves lot's of time when setting things up, if installing ElvUI on another PC/laptop, or when wanting a hard copy of the UI settings for when Blizzard suggests wiping your cache, etc. and S:RegisterSkin has returned as the preferred method for registering a skin. Bags sort error when using Blizzard's sort. Evoker Disintegrate readjusted to display correct chain cast tick amount. Tooltip was erroring when Minimap was disabled. Fixed `realm:dash` tag error. After Barry was offered a place on Justice Incarnate in order to explore the new multiverse and map it, Wally was chosen once again to be the main Flash. ElvUI Profiles. UI: You can once again move Blizzard's Player Alt Power Bar with our movers. (#1108). CustomGlow is now back to ButtonGlow for the time being (no settings for this right now. PVP Match Scoreboard scrollbar is now shiny again. E.g. im not reasoning i know DC are superior but dont meme alot or ill expose you damn hard Kidsavage, That's not a meme, it's a video and if that was a meme, that was the first one I posted lol, also who is Kidsavage? Added ClickThrough options for Personal, Friendly and Enemy type nameplates. Added option to show Class Icon as Portrait. Fixed Selection Player Color sometimes being incorrect. Bag Bar: Fixed Right Click on a bag erroring out when Bags module was disabled. Fixed icon border on black market auction house items. Totembar is more compatible with Masque again. The options bottom buttons now use the language selected in the config, nice. Fixed error in castbar element (for real this time). Added Death Knight Rune sorting option under `/ec - Player Frame - Classbar - Sort Direction`. Added new Azerite DataBar (replaces Artifact DataBar). Fixed rare error in nameplates when changing target. The enabled state of a Style Filter for nameplates is now stored in your profile instead of being global. Fixed issue with Target Aura not updating when switching forms on Druid. Some Actionbar (also one on Wrath), Grouping, VehicleButton, and PetBar taints fixed. [30], The surviving heroes and villains joined up on Themyscira for a final battle against the forces of the Last 52 Multiverse. (!79 - Thanks @Alex_White), Added Tooltip offsets while using anchor on mouse. Just click on your Battle.tag to add/edit the status message. Sorry this was overlooked. Now you use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly, enemy and normal state on a filter. Show Currency ID on Tooltip for Tracked Currencies on the Bag (if Tooltip settings allow Spell IDs to be shown). Updated the Chat Spam Interval to resolve some issues with it. No longer feeling like Kid Flash because of the decade of memories he still had that were wiped from existence, Wally resumed his position as just the Flash anyway. Because of a change Blizzard made to friendly nameplates in 7.2, it is no longer possible to modify them in dungeons and raid instances. Added a dropdown menu to the Garrison Minimap Button. (oUF_Fader), [Unitframe] Replaced the Range check option with the Unitframe Fader settings. Expertise and Armor Pen Datatexts updated. Hopefully, Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly corrected the error which caused the Auras trying to attach to themselves on Unitframes (for real this time). (#873). After five days Wally revived Poison Ivy and had his five days younger self kill that Wally. [Nameplate] Removed Detection as this was used in Legion but is no longer used as much and this would increase preformance further. Changed the Max Duration to 0 in the Aura Priority list. (Rubgrsch). Added skin support for Objective Tracker timer bars. Maybe fixed the "Most Expensive" icon from getting stuck. Hal Jordan did not trust the former supervillain and encouraged Wally to look for Barry. Fixed taint for Override Action Button Show, Battleground Datatext was showing in Arena where it doesn't work anymore, Objective Tracker button has a range overlay now and the (its grey) should be fixed, Stance bar showing when entering a Battleground on priest and it switching you to healer from Shadow, Databar Quest XP will show green for quests you are on and have completed, unless you have completed enabled, Heal Pred was anchoring incorrectly when absorb style was set to None. That's why fifth dimension from DC is accepted as 7d or higher. Removed ultra rare hidden error with how we spawn the Talking Head Frame. With the oUF update some elements have been renamed. In PC it was a decent piece of technological expertise but nothing significant or special, for that matter. Encounter Journal skin updated a little bit. (Script ran too long error), ActionBars: Fixed bar backdrop multiplier (ticket #245), DataTexts: Added Diablo Immortal and Warcraft Arclight Rumble support for Friends, DataTexts: Added NoLabel option for Intellect, DataTexts: Removed faction restriction from Friends invite, Filters: Added support for season 4 Affix and Dungeons, Filters: Updated for Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination. Set a texture when a submenu is selected in the Auctionhouse skin. He was imprisoned in the Tartarus Pits below Themyscira, which was now a prison for the surviving supervillains. Added a separate "Border Color" option for UnitFrames. Workaround by foxlit. Raid Debuffs has unlearned never-appear-unintentionally! Fixed rare tooltip error (attempt to index local 'color'). Barry took Wally to meet the Totality on their space station, and informed him of the new structure of the multiverse.[35]. Raid 1-3 now which has a new "Max Allowed Groups" which replaces Smart Raid Filter (visibility settings reset for the new setup), Target Auras (action bar cooldowns): This is used to see the Duration of applied Dot or Hot on your target. A decent amount of you didn't seem to like the change this hopefully will make you love us again. Attempted to fix an issue which caused Chat Bubbles to error with Font not set. Which means, you have now 10 Actionbars. Chat editbox will stay open when you move if it has text in it again and character count will only show if there is text in the editbox. Sorting should seem a lot smoother, especially for low end computers. NamePlates were rewritten from scratch. If no spec is selected then it will only match class. He saw the Teen Titans founded twice, and two different versions of the Flash Family. . Fixed issue which could cause an invisible frame to block clicks when the minimap was moved out of the topright corner. Fixed issue in Chat Copy which made it unable to copy dumped hyperlinks properly. Restoring their memorizes of him with shocks of his electricity, these heroes reformed their childhood team under the new name "the Titans". Varies with speed, up to Solar System level normally, up to Low Multiverse level, possibly Multiverse level+ at his peak, Durability: At least Building level when not enhancing speed (He is consistently treated as far more vulnerable while not moving, but still took a hit[22] from Arsenal and is comparable to Eobard Thawne, who took punches from Batman[23]). Powerset doesn't mean Wally is equal to Manhattan in terms of actual power, he's not there yet in terms of tangible feats. Make sure you check out the post in the news section for the details! [2], The chair reappeared during Wally West's travels across the Multiverse. (Thanks Mitlie!). Actionbar Auto Add New Spells setting wasn't working correctly (this is handled by a CVar now). External Edit of ElvUI that adds additional functionality and design option to ElvUI. Added Name Only and Show Title options to the Player Nameplate that matches the options for other unit types. Struck with an extra surge of Speed Force energy, Wally easily defeated Savitar, severing his connection to the Speed Force before a mysterious portal dragged him back to his prison. Added Blizzards way to highlight scrappable items if the Scrapping Machine Frame is open. @tedirey: What part of this suggests that Wally could have actually done this beyond him going "bro trust me I can do it"? This allows you to separate each individual group. just as in some locked threads you think Invisible Woman and Mera can beat Composite Superboy Prime. Option (General > Tag Update Rate) which controls the amount of updates for Tags in Unitframes and Nameplates. Isn't he actually now 11D, since Mxyz got upgraded? Skip the boring and tedious process of setting up your ElvUI profile from scratch. Reactions . More adjustments for Data Broker datatexts. Reversed Font Explosion Feature on CN, TW, and KR clients. Fixed issue which caused the Script Profile Popup to be shown twice. Masque should play nicely again. We apologize for the inconvenience. Fixed bags from being shown over the WorldMapFrame (#592). Updated the normal Bags skin code a bit, also some of the bank too. Mythic+ score options in the tooltip section (Based on Blizzards new score API). At the cemetery, Wally reunited with Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, who had been restored to the timeline along with the Justice Society. Fixed issue which prevented item buttons in bank from updating on first show. Threat on Unitframes in Border mode would sometimes not update the borders correctly, they behave like good bois now. Fixed Keybind Mode (/kb) to once again work on Stance and Pet buttons. Thread starter Oleggator; Start date May 14, 2021; . Tweaked the way the UI Scale popup shows to prevent it from happening in more cases, when it should not be shown. Fixed an issue with the combat log header. Added Portrait option to NamePlates. Probably not complete, community will need to provide feedback and fill in the blanks. Updated SpellHighlightTexture in the Spellbook (#547). [19] Swifter than Superman[20] and Barry Allen). [Lag Fix] We believe we have finally resolved the preformance degrade/reaping issue, which was caused from the texts on UnitFrame and NamePlates causing a code stack which eventually would drain FPS. This release resets the nameplate settings in order to transition to the new nameplates. Fixed issue which caused NamePlate StyleFilter NameOnly option to misplace the ClassBar/Portrait on plates. Fixed issue with Remove Corruption on Boomkins. Added backdrop color option to Chat Panels. Additionally, Venom's absorption is not to be taken lightly. Fixed the issue that sometimes caused unitframe absorb bars to appear for a second during initial login along the screen (they are now clipped like Cutaway). Fixed issue which may have caused weird behaviour with player nameplate hide delay. Dropdown during Toggle Anchors was busted. Creativity feature added by allowing you to create and customize. Added support for chat filters for community channels displayed in the real chat window. Scales to Black Winter. (#1013). Added Drag&Drop support to AceConfig buttons for our new aura filtering system. Mobius Chair Flash is when the current flash, Wally West , gets on The Mobius Chair. Fixed an issue which caused the Static and Real Player nameplate to display at the same time. Chat error when friends going online or offline on Wrath or Classic. However, as a result of his presence within the speed force, Wally was able to remember the world's true history. Fixed issue where opening the bank with shift would say you needed to purchase the reagent slots. For the german audience: Behebt einige Fehler im Zeit-Infotext, dass die Instanz Symbole nicht richtig angezeigt wurden. For your Info: It will only work, if the Tooltip have a progress line. Updated the Ace3 (ElvUI config) checkbox skin to a permanent color. Plugin that provides additional user-requested tweaks and functionality to ElvUI. Wally later found his cousin and comforted him, offering advice and words of wisdom. When you realize that tomorrow is a new day. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Fixed PVP Talent triggers. LibCustomGlow is back, as the license issue was resolved (Thanks Stanzilla). Fixed `[namecolor]` not updating sometimes when it should. Fixed errors which occurred in `OrderHallTalentFrame` and `Contribution` skins. Added options to override the Cooldown Text settings inside of `Bags`, `NamePlates`, `UnitFrames`, and `Buffs and Debuffs`. This is found in UnitFrames->General Options->RaidDebuff Indicator. Despite reservations Wally agreed and the group attacked the Dark Heart, which was defended by the possessed Justice Leaguers and citizens of Gemworld. He later gave it to Metron, but it was taken from him by Batman. [7], During a mission with the Titans, Wally was drugged and abducted by Deathstroke, the world's deadliest assassin. The Quest Choice skin is now enabled by default. Applied Actionbar transparency option on PetBar and StanceBar. Fixed a few issues with auto-invite relating to other realms and multiple friends from the same bnet account. (Thanks LS-)! Target and Focus frames now have a shiny combat icon. Item IDs allowed to be ignored in Bag Sorting. [16] Wally reluctantly assisted Fuginaut, fighting alongside the heroes of Earth 23, and purged the Dark Matter from their world. Fixed a performance issue with bag sorting. Skinned the Expand/Collapse buttons on various frames. Fixed an issue where a profile error about 'global' or 'private' not existing would happen from the Skin module. Player Nameplate should behave more often now.. Extra Action Button cooldown was not showing when it should. Fixed AP calculation display issue for values over 1 million. Fixed minor positioning issue with role indicator on unitframes. Added "Match SpellID Only" option to individual RaidDebuff Indicator modules. Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010) Mario VS Sonic (2011) Master Chief VS Doomguy; Link VS Cloud (2012) Batman VS Spider-Man; . Fixed issue which caused the Chat History to sometimes attempt to reply to the wrong BattleTag friend. Implemented changes to support the new patch 7.2. Nazjatar Followers Missions Datatext was doing a goof, which has been ungoofed by a professional ungoofer. 'name:medium:translit'. He learned that this being was watching the universe and was responsible for the missing decade of history. UnitFrames: Fixed power text getting misplaced onto health if power is hidden (issue #15). Death Battle; DBX; DEATH BATTLE Cast; Death Race; The Desk of DEATH BATTLE; DEATH BATTLEs. Fixed an issue which caused some borders to overlap when not using pixel mode. Bags might open from Gold Datatext again for those it wasn't. (#1372). Nameplate Auras now has a "Color by Type" option which will remove the debuff type border color (stealable and bad dispels will still be shown). [38] He continued to bounce around the timeline and Omniverse, possessing other speedsters at the lowest points in their lives. Now its more intuitive to find it. So i wrote down a few abilities related to the Mobius Chair, please respond if you think they are correct or incorrect, That would include Resistance to Anti Matter Manipulation and BFR (which Wally should already have even Pre-Flashpoint) besides that i would need more info, I told you multiple times not to ping me over DC threads. The settings are located under `/ec - General - Alternative Power`. Added Party Indicator option for Unitframes (Thanks @Caedis). Added `Weakened Soul` back to our Buff Indicator. The default color in ElvUI has been changed to match the new logo. Added some new Absorb settings (aka one is old but readded now). Fixed an issue with the Quest Skin which caused the Quest Icon beside the text to sometimes not be shown. 39 Votes in Poll. Wally and Wallace went through the portal and emerged in Earth-Flash.1, a pocket dimension created by Pariah as Barry's personal paradise. Due to his time trapped in the Speed Force, Wally has since gained a much stronger connection to it following his metaphorical rebirth, and can tap into it much more than before. Fixed issue which prevented item borders in bags from updating when opening the bank. They are not in a guild >.>. [Nameplate] Made sure Target Class Power gets updated correctly. Fixed LFG Ready Popup skin from showing a Blizzard backdrop. Updated all the Spell IDs we should need for Shadowlands dungeons and the first raid. Fixed a couple skin issues which would show blizzard borders on some frames. Microbar for Character page was showing the pushed texture even when it was faded out (on Classic). Fixed a dropdown text position if the Communities Frame is minimized. Added Beacon of Virtue to Buff Indicator filter. This means chat bubbles will have the default look while you are in a dungeon or raid instance (Garrison included). Sometimes when adjusting the aura settings for a unit it would bug and not actually update the positioning (mainly targettarget). It sort of does have this kind of feature. 130976 (downloads) BenikUI - WotLK. Smart Filter appears to have finally passed its exams, yay! Disabling it will remove the backdrop completely and only show text. Changed the status frame. Why would I think he scales to a DC character? Stacking Auras count corrected and ignore Rogue Animacharges. Castbar tick color not updating properly sometimes. No, Thor lost the Power Cosmic after defeating Black Winter. Added `Dispellable` to Nameplate Friendly NPC Buffs and Nameplate Enemy Player Debuffs list by default. This should have minimal effect on existing plugins. Fixed Chat window could not be closed in combat. Datatext bar offset for non-thin border theme corrected. This was the arrival of the Fraction, an interdimensional empire that used the Speed Force to plunder various worlds. Added Island Expedition progress to the BfA Mission Datatext. When Wally awakened, he realized he had been restrained and given a truth serum. Mobius Chair Flash is when the current flash, Wally West , gets on The Mobius Chair. Due to the chair being imbued with Doctor Manhattan's powers, Wally also shares Manhattan's. Added support for checkboxes on our static popups. Wally West is The Flash, the fastest man in the multiverse. Fixed Stagger visibility toggling. Added a search filter for Mythic Keystone to LibItemSearch. Update Season 1 Filters: Dungeon (HoV, AV) Raid (Kurog Grimtotem). Added font outline option for the Threat Bar. Quest Icons on NamePlates would sometimes show the incorrect Icon on some mobs, this logic has been adjusted. he was using the Mobius chair to take all of it, by all of his power i meant all of his Dr. Manhattan powers sorry, as you can see in that one scan Wally is no longer in that form anymore, and is just in his normal flash costume from then on Transcending He/Him 1,999 1,508 Jul 8, 2022 Thread starter #11 Soma_King said: Blizzard corrected the issue with CVars not saving correctly. This means if you use a Plugin but it is disabled, when you export your profile the settings from that plugin are, Worked out a couple more weird things with, Cutaway works correctly on Vertical Orientation Health Unitframes. Fixed DataText header text using the Tooltip Header size when it was not supposed too. Fixed a possible nil error on our NamePlate auras. Powers and Abilities: Super Speed, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility, Speed Force Aura, Electrokinesis, Energy Absorption (Can absorb Speed Force and Negative Speed Force energies. In addition to dimensionality superiority, Venom also holds superiority in terms of intelligence which is a big part of the story. (Merathilis). Updated Skins for Class Trainer and Gossip Frame, Main Chat should behave a little better with Blizzard's mover, New method to hide totems on Totem Tracker (hopefully will keep them hidden correctly), Removed old Talent skin (was causing an error), Player UnitFrame mover will show again when module is off, Fixed Target of Target spawning sometimes, Fixed the issue with using items in the default Blizzard Bags and fixed the skin for them (combined and split - also updated bag bar skin), Fixed the Currencies in Bag not updating when they should, Fixed Blizzard movers not appearing when UnitFrame module is disabled, Fixed LFG Queue Status not showing up when Minimap was disabled and Actionbar was enabled, Fixed double Cooldown showing on Actionbars - was missing in the LAB, Fixed error when clicking Game Menu from the Minimap, Fixed Hit Datatext not working and Currency not showing right, Fixed UnitFrame error with SetReverseFill, Fixed issue which caused a layer to be over the Bags (making things unclickable), Fixed Settings Panel skin not showing the correct toggled state on open, Fixed the ColorPicker not showing the RGB values on open, Fixed issue with aura bars and resting indicator when enabling the Player UnitFrame, Support for Cooldown module working with WeakAuras. 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